Blog # 7

The Debacle of a Debate

I was planning on starting a series of posts concerning taxes, however, after last night’s debate I need to address a few issues.

Lies – It is so destabilizing to have a president that lies.  I can deal with many differences and personality flaws but lies are something I cannot tolerate.  I know I can have NO TRUST in a person who lies – can you?  I could dedicate my whole blog to fact checking the president’s statements but fortunately someone else is doing that. (Check out the NY Times, Washington Post and 

Lack of decorum – There were no winners last night but there was one big loser – Donald Trump.  Chris Wallace, the moderator, called Trump out several times for talking over his opponent and his incorrect portrayal of various issues as he was answering questions.  Trump interrupted Biden 71 times and Biden interrupted 22 times. 

THE President of the United States is a RACIST! – Donald J. Trump came out and cleared up any doubt anyone might have that he is a racist and supports white supremacy last night.

He has shown himself to be a racist for years and to show that he wants to imbed racism in the country. Earlier this year Trump stopped all diversity training in the Agencies that he controls. He does not want anyone to question the picture he has painted in his mind of a society that has wealthy white people running things. The idea that people might develop compassion for others and care enough to change so that all are treated fairly and everyone has a fair chance at success is something he cannot swallow.

I know I benefited from diversity training at my agency.  The truth is we do not know what we do not know.  We need to be taught, we need to become aware. Unfortunately, some people need to make others feel less in order for them to feel good about themselves. This is a sign of a bully. They want to keep others down and they trample on them at every opportunity and Donald Trump does this at every turn – he did it more than 71 times last night.

This summer I came to better understand that the experience of Black and Brown Americans in the US is different than my experience.  It is a reality that we have not done enough to ensure ALL Americans are treated fairly.  Personally, I have been humbled by the protests this summer.  I do not consider myself perfect, I know I need to do better.  I need to understand more about the different experience of Black and Brown Americans.

I also know that I enjoy living in a diverse environment and though my local community and apartment building may be racially and ethnically diverse it is not necessarily very economically diverse.  The more contact we have with people who are different from us the more we can understand them and recognize our similarities are greater than our differences.  We are all children of God.  That is a universal belief in most religions I am aware of including Christianity (which the president claims to be).

Last night Trump did the UNTHINKABLE he declared he is a racist and supports white supremacy when he told the “proud boys to stand by”!  I had to look up “proud boys” to find out that they are a “far right neo-fascist male only organization that promotes and engages in political violence”.  He is obviously NOT a president of ALL the people of the United States. I can only hope that more people have come to understand this now that they could see him say it on live TV.

The Civil War is over, and we SHALL NOT go backwards! 

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